Hi all:
The next organization I want to write about is:According to their home page: "ACT ONE is a nonprofit organization that trains people of faith for careers in mainstream film & TV."
Begun by Barbara Nicolosi in 1999, Act One started with a Writing program and has now expanded to include an Executive program. Both of these main programs involve an intensive 4-week summer seminar in L.A. as well as at one other location in the United States. Act One programs have been held in New York City, Chicago, and Washington, D.C, which is helping to spread a Christian voice throughout entertainment communities across the country.
Act One also offers Screenwriting Weekends (formerly called Before Act One) around the country, which consist of a Friday night and all day Saturday crash course in writing for TV and film. I participated in a Before Act One seminar in Boston in 2004 and was impressed with the happy combination of professional excellence and Christian conviction.
Click here for stories of Act One graduates now working in the 'biz.
Click here for Act One press coverage in industry magazines, such as Premiere, Details, and Newsweek.
Last fall they published a book of essays by "Hollywood Insiders on Faith, Film, and Culture" called Behind the Screen.
While I'd love to take their summer writing course, I don't see a way to make it happen now. So in the meantime I support them with my checkbook whenever I can.
My approach to Hollywood is the same as my approach to abortion, which both seem to be Christian targets in the "culture war." I don't want to call it a war, because I don't see that metaphor as how Jesus operates in regards to culture.
Regarding abortion, I try to reach out to women who have crisis pregnancies to help them see a way to have their babies, hence my involvement with CareNet.
Regarding Hollywood, I support Christians who strive for professional and artistic excellence to present a Christian voice amongst all the other voices in Hollywood. And who strive for personal integrity as a Christian witness amongst Hollywood writers and executives.
If that sounds like a good approach to you, please support Act One as you are able!
Thanks so much for the plug! God bless -
You're very welcome, Barbara! I pray it steers lots 'o people your way - as participants or supporters. :)
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