Saturday, July 04, 2009

Governor Palin Resigns - Partial Comments Roundup

Hi all:

You've heard that Governor Palin is resigning. What do you think?

Consider these recent comments from people whose opinion I value:

Fred Malek (Republican DC mover and shaker, McCain's campaign finance guy):

# Sarah Palin took the high + courageous road, putting family, party, Alaska, + country ahead of all else. We'll hear much more from this star

# My blogged response to Vanity Fair, because I have seen myself how smart and serious Sarah Palin really is:

# Highly recommend @jimgeraghty's take on VF Sarah Palin hit piece:

Glenn Beck (radio and TV host, author):

* True about Palin dropping out and stepping down. GOOD. Get out of the system. Be a CREATIVE extremist as MLK said.

Mark R. Levin (Lawyer, radio host and author):
Palin is running for president, get used to it. (Audio below.)

Adam Brinkley (he of the Draft Sarah Palin for VP blog that is now archived in the Library of Congress):

Palin actually EXPANDED her Influence in Alaska Today

Are you ready to engage?


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