Hi all:
Saturday night we went to a Japanese Restaurant for dinner. The ambiance was fun but the service was not. And the food, though it tasted good at the time, did not agree with me later.
Saturday night we went to a Japanese Restaurant for dinner. The ambiance was fun but the service was not. And the food, though it tasted good at the time, did not agree with me later.
We had our room and sat on the floor without shoes Japanese style - except there was a well under the table so we put our feet down and weren't really sitting crosslegged. Bit of a cheat but much more comfortable.
Here we are in our room - before Abby left. The service was too slow so Jim brought Abby back to the room.
I ended up carrying Lilly around the restaurant for a while to look in the fish tanks, etc., 'cause she got restless, too.

Here's Jim's plate of appetizers. Appetizing, eh?

Here's my plate:

Sunday we went to the Chin House from the Chin Dynasty with all kinds of Chinese arts 'cause it's also an arts school. We went here in 2004 as well. Very lovely. I bought some souvenirs here. Here's the entrance gate:

Then we went to a tea room and had a demonstration and got to try ceremonial teas. I bought souvenirs here, too, since I'm such a big tea drinker. Had to really. :)
Linaker, one of our guides, at the tea house:

Demonstrating the quality of the clay teapots:

Tea service:

For the story from the new adoptive family's perspective, visit their site and click on "Our Journey to China".
Take care,
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