Friday, April 06, 2007

Bethany House quotes my review of "Becky Miller"

Hi all:

My Title Trakk editors (thanks, ladies!) notified me that Bethany House Publishers are quoting from my review of Sharon Hinck's Renovating Becky Miller on their website! Cool!

Click here and scroll to the bottom. Yep, I'm the last one quoted. So does that mean they saved the best for last? Or is it because the last shall be first?

Anyhoo, I totally recommend both of the Becky Miller books. Click Becky Miller to get discounted copies at CBD.

Or check 'em out of your local library! Which reminds me, April 15 to 21 is National Library Week! More on this in an upcoming blog ...



Sharon Hinck said...

I'm so glad Bethany is quoting you. You are VERY quotable!

I LOVE the review you wrote. Not just because it was favorable (LOL!) but because you really hit on the key things I hoped folks would resonate with. THANK YOU!

hrh said...

No prob, Sharon! Thanks for introducing us to Becky Miller. Can't wait to get my hands on "The Restorer" ...

And I see there's a sequel for that one already scheduled for September. Cool!